EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) offers a proven history of performance based on superior flexibility, elongation, UV resistance, and hail damage resistance. Heritage Metals & Construction has performed many installations with this durable material that has more than 60 years of proven, in-field performance. The resilient EPDM synthetic rubber membranes offer an optimal solution for nearly any low-slope roofing situation. With significant physical property advantages, warming benefits in northern climates, and innovations in product technologies, EPDM is still defining the standard in the commercial roofing market.
A recent study of aged EPDM showed that after 30 years of real-world exposure, EPDM still retained excellent flexibility, tensile strength, tear resistance, UV, and weathering resistance. It is a superb choice for a wide range of low slope roofing applications. UL & FM listed assemblies are available.
EPDM Membrane Advantages
EPDM roof systems provide performance and savings for decades. Long-term analysis demonstrates that choosing EPDM can cut the lifecycle costs of a roof by as much as 25%, an investment resulting in savings throughout the life of the roof. EPDM’s superior physical characteristics allow it to stand up to ozone, UV exposure and freeze/thaw cycles, and offers unmatched protection against winds up to 120 miles per hour, three-inch hailstones, and accidental punctures. It is watertight, durable, and dependable. No other single-ply roof system matches the strong track record or history of EPDM, which is why it continues to be the low-slope roofing industry’s material of choice.
EPDM offers a wider variety of sheet thicknesses and widths compared to thermoplastics which allows for faster installations. EPDM is available in large 16'-wide to 30'-wide sheets from 45-90 mils thick for adhered applications, reducing the number of seams by up to 67% when compared to 10' sheets. The addition of labor-saving Factory-Applied Tape™ and pressure-sensitive flashings improve the quality and consistency of seams. Select from over 60 EPDM membranes available with Factory-Applied Tape.
The thicker membrane of EPDM provides unmatched weatherability as it expands and contracts, making it ideal for various climatic conditions. Additionally, most rooftops have skylights, HVAC units and other penetrations added after the membrane is installed, increasing the possibility of membrane damage even before construction is complete. This rooftop equipment often needs regular maintenance, increasing the foot traffic on the rooftop. EPDM’s thicker membrane helps to protect against damage caused during construction and maintenance activities. Even at the end of its normal service life the membrane remains extremely repairable.
Numerous studies and real-world experience confirm that EPDM’s 465% elongation (ASTM D412) and weathering resistance result in superior hail damage resistance and UL2218 Class 4 rating. In an independent study conducted by Jim D. Koontz & Associates, Inc., new, heat-aged, and field-aged EPDM samples were subjected to severe impact by various size hailstones ranging from 1.5" to 3" in diameter. Regardless of aging, nearly 95% of the EPDM samples passed ASTM standards for hail resistance. The results were overwhelmingly positive, proving that EPDM is an ideal roofing material for hail-prone areas or rooftops that experience excessive traffic.
EPDM is available in both white and black membranes for different geographic climates. Reflective white EPDM saves energy by reducing air conditioning usage, a major benefit in southern climates. In central and northern climates, the solar thermal benefit of black EPDM helps to melt frost, dew, and ice, reducing heating costs which are typically 3-5 times greater than air-conditioning costs. A black EPDM membrane also helps to reduce a roof’s snow load and dries much more quickly, which in turn reduces potential condensation issues. Undetected condensation in a roofing assembly can negatively affect the performance of paper insulation facers, weakening the bond between insulation and adhesive, and can have a detrimental effect on the insulation’s R-value, resulting in reduced thermal efficiency.
EPDM is ideally suited for rooftop solar applications due to its long-term weathering advantage and ease of repair, minimizing disruption to the solar array. When a project incorporates rooftop solar, roofing system selection becomes even more important. A key design principle for rooftop solar is to delay the re-roofing process due to the added cost and complexity of removing and then replacing the solar panels, which can be a significant cost. EPDM’s superior UV resistance and field proven hail damage resistance make it an excellent choice for rooftop solar applications. You also have the ability to reduce heating or cooling energy costs with the selection of either black or white EPDM.
Sustainability and environmental conservation are two of the top priorities in today’s construction industry. One of the best ways to conserve natural resources is to use building materials with long life expectancies that minimize or delay the need for replacement. EPDM is unmatched when it comes to long-term service life. Additionally, research demonstrates that the amount of energy required to produce EPDM, from extraction to installation, is lower than any other single-ply material. Low-VOC primers, adhesives, and membrane cleaners further reduce the environmental impact of EPDM roofing systems. In fact, EPDM has the lowest Global Warming Potential of any major commercial roofing material and can offset its carbon footprint in as little as 15 years.
Hassle-free EPDM warranties range between 15 and 30 years depending on the customer’s needs. All of these warranties provide building owners with a quality roof that’s proven to perform.